Are you excited for the comeback plan???


 Whether you sat on the patio with a margarita in hand or fell in love with your permanent lawn chair these past few months, it’s ok, set that gilt aside. It is never too late to form healthy habits again. It was a fabulous summer, but now it’s time to get back at it!


The trick? Keep it simple.

  1. Book it! - schedule workouts like meetings and use your calendar to book your workouts, stick with it. Mark down 2-3 times a week and be realistic so you can be consistent. Add on once you get your groove. 

  2. Support! - surround yourself with friends who work out, they will keep you motivated. Be accountable and text your workout buddies that you will be showing up. Group fitness again will have your back on this one, we always support our team, and we keep each other on track! 

  3. Sleep! - don’t overlook this one. Sleep could be the most crucial ingredient for a healthy routine. When you get enough sleep, you will stay energized for workouts, and most importantly you will be able to make better choices for your mind and body. 

  4. Eat healthy! - DO NOT deprive yourself! Yes, we all want a detox right now. But as I have said before, quick fixes won’t help in the long run. Make one small change at a time rather than transform your entire diet, such as meal prepping. Trust me, focus on eating healthier and keep everything in moderation. Then you won’t hate your life because you are “on a diet!” It will happen, be patient one meal at a time. 


Lyndsay Syverson
SoulBody Fitness Master Trainer

This summer felt different. Since our world has been upside down for the last few sunny months, people let loose more than ever this summer…. But wow, we all made it worth it! Sometimes you just need to reboot, and indeed we did. But now, we are all feeling those few “extra indulgences” so people are needing to get back into a healthier routine even more. Don’t feel bad, just get back to it. 


So, let’s take charge of our new routine. Time to reset and reprioritize. Every day is a new beginning, so take a deep breath, start again, and don’t make it complicated. 


Hip Hip Hooray! Let’s do it.

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